It's Mommy Monday again and this mommy has the house to herself for a few hours. Yep, that's right, the twins went off to preschool this morning.
The kids did great......I'll tell you more about that later.......
Mommy did great too! No crying, screaming or breakdowns! Go Mommy! Haha.....I am very excited to have the kids in preschool. I not only need the time to myself but the kids are more then ready to learn and make friends. I felt very confident, after leaving, that they will do great today. I am nervous about how they will do with going to the potty. Its my biggest fear that my kids will get kicked outta school for not using the potty. Why you ask???? Well for starters, Zach has only been potty trained for about 2 weeks where Zoey has been using the potty for over a year. Zach tends to "forget" that he needs to potty and just keeps playing. Zoey, well, she has never used any potty but a "little" potty. The school has a small "big" potty, but I assume to her it still looks like a "big" potty. I am hoping that preschool will help her get over this fear.
Zach was pretty excited to go to school today. He had his shoes on before his undies and pants. It was rather cute watching him run around the house in just his Spiderman shoes and shirt. Priceless!!! Zach put on his backpack like a pro and walked into school like it was his second home. He even sat down for a picture without me asking :) He went right in, found his box with his name and put his backpack down and went into the classroom, from there I have no idea what did because Zoey was crying and I couldn't walk him in.
Zoey was pretty excited for school this morning. She had her backpack on and she was ready to go. I even got to brush her hair!!! As we were getting out of the car she didn't want to take her backpack. I carried it inside, with her crying the whole way. Once Zach was safe in the classroom me and Zoey walked her backpack back out to the car. After we did this, she was gold! She was right at home and ready for school!!!! I had to go get her backpack and take it back in after she was in the classroom. She didn't even seem to notice i was gone and was talking with her teacher when I left for good. I think she was just mad at the backpack since on the car ride, it fell down and got stuck and she couldn't get it back up on her lap like she wanted. (just like her mommy, has a fit when she doesn't get what she wants).
I will update on how their day went later on after I pick them up at noon. This week they will only go from 9-12